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Club Information


We are now affiliated to England Golf. In order to obtain a World Handicap Index (WHI) you have to submit 6 cards (9 hole rounds) to reception marked by another club member.


Mirinda will arrange a playing partner for you if you do not know any Club members who are in a position to mark a card for you.


Once you have a WHI you can play in any BVGC competition provided you have met the entry criteria for the competition in which you wish to play. For any further clarification please speak to Mirinda.



The weekly 9 hole roll ups are a great way to meet other club members and play in friendly competitions. Each roll up has its own organiser and numbers are limited so if you are interested in playing please contact the relevant organiser to discuss availability.


Seniors 9 (over 60’s) WEDNESDAYS Meet 8:45 for 9am start 

Contact by clicking Mike Hayward to join this roll up.



Contact by clicking John Keane to join this roll up. 


Ladies TUESDAYS 9.00am start

Contact by clicking Heather Oldfield to join this roll up.


Weekend SATURDAYS 8.00am Start 

Contact by clicking Alex Brain to join this roll up.


18 Hole monthly medal competitions are held fortnightly see competitions calendar for further details. You can enter the medals at any time of the day provided you record your entry at reception before commencing your round. Your card must be marked by another member who holds a current handicap, although it is not necessary that your playing partner enters the competition.


Results will be displayed in the Club V1 together with details of all the other Club competitions and knock outs.


Our PGA Golf Professional, Wayne Owers, is an experienced and talented coach. Wayne is available for one-on-one individual lessons and offers a discount for new members first lesson. Wayne also offers a “group” lesson (limited to a maximum of 12) on Thursdays at 11am for men and Mondays at 1pm for ladies. At just £8 (including your range practice balls) these are great value sessions for beginners and improvers. Although no booking is required it is worth just telephoning the centre to check Wayne’s availability on the day.


Full details are available on the Club website or talk to Wayne directly; he has a small office at reception or can be found more often on the driving range in his teaching bay!


Please only use the main car park if you are playing the course and not the Bistro Car Park. If you are just using the range you may use the Bistro Car Park provided that there is no event taking place in the Bistro. This is particularly important at weekends so do please check with reception before commencing your practice.


We take your health and safety very seriously and would ask you to ensure that you do not tee off on par 3 holes until the green is clear and do shout “fore” on the very occasional times you play a misdirected shot that may cause injury to a fellow golfer!


There are a number of new homes to the left of the 3rd Fairway. Any golfer hitting a shot that crosses the boundary of the 3rd hole must report this event to reception.


Most important of all is to make sure you enter and leave the main car park using the path at the far end of the car park and do not climb the bank and cross the first fairway. We have been warned that any further transgressions will result in the Club being required to erect a high fence alongside the fairway – this would be both ugly and very expensive!


There is no dress code either on the course or in the clubhouse. You are adults and don’t need to be told what to wear; however; we do ask you wear suitable footwear to protect our greens (either trainers or golf shoes) and that men wear a top at all times, even on the course. Please also change your golf shoes before entering the Bistro.


The Bistro is operated under licence by Bistro 19. The owners are Sharon Fricker and Mirinda Collins. Members enjoy discounts for private parties and hire for other events – for further information, or to discuss any aspect of the bar and catering operation, please speak to Sharon or Mirinda on 01252 879224




We don’t get everything right and certainly cannot hope to satisfy everyone but we welcome suggestions for improvement and we will listen – Mirinda Collins is the General Manager and works Tuesdays to Fridays 8am -5pm and will always be pleased to hear from you or provide further details on any aspect of the operation of the Centre.

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